Full Moon Rituals:
This is more an example of ritual form than anything terribly specific. This is how we organize our full moon gatherings. They are a chance for us to come together, a way to remind ourselves of the strength of our community and a way to focus both on the accomplishments of the past month, and our wishes for the next. We have different workings for each moon, and do special ritual work on things that are important to our Crossroads family (i.e. healing energy for a sick friend, help in finding a new job, sending healing energy to mother earth.) If we can actually find a way to be together every month, then we are already doing the right thing..the details are just icing. I. PREPARATION A. Self B. Purification of Room/Sweep C. Altar/Tools D. Purification of People/Circle II. OPENING A. Focus/Drumming/Meditation B. Cast the Circle C. Call the Quarters D. Invocation to the Goddess/Lady E. Invocation to the God/Lord F. Charge of the Goddess/Lady G. Charge of the God/Lord III. WORKINGS IV. DISMISSALS A. Thanks to Our Lady of the Night B. Thanks to the Quarters C. Open Circle V. FEASTING Upcoming Workshops: Runes Workshop Drum Workshop (Contact Fyre Wyrm for details!) |