We are in the process of applying with SpiralScouts Headquarters to begin a SpiralScouts group in the area. For now, if you are interested, a link to their main page is provided. (The following information is from the SpiralScouts webpage. Used with permission.) Purpose: To provide an opportunity for Pagan families to interact with their children and for Pagan children to interact with each other. To instill in our children the concepts of inclusivity, the balance of gender energies, tolerance for differences of belief and other useful cultural customs and values. Programs include: Teaching of the manly classical mythologies both popular and obscure, basic commonalities of Pagan faith beliefs, usual handicrafts of scouting and woodland lore aimed at promoting the practice of sound ecology in daily life. While the orientation of the SpiralScouts program is based in Paganism, the organization is designed to be utilized by other groups, both nonsectarian as well as other minority faith groups. Religious-based programs are designed to be easily replaced by alternates based in other non-hostile unity-faith traditions. History: Started officially in 1999, the SpiralScouts are the ATC's (Aquarian Tabernacle Church) answer to the Boy ScoutsTM, CampfireTM and the other organizations formed around the raising of children into a tradition. They are creating the whole concept on their own, based on many different sources and ideas. SpiralScouts is a work in progress; a "brown and serve" program open to local options and ideas. Structure: They are just beginning. Obviously, because some start-up groups of necessity include a range of ages, they remain very flexible and allow activities to include these age ranges as much as possible. Eventually, they expect the membership participation will expand enough to have more age-specific groups of activities. So that they can learn by experience, they are chartering some beta-testing groups across the country. Their organizational structure is presented below: A HEARTH is the smallest unit, led by one (or two)parents known as "Hearth Tenders." This is a "solitary" or isolated small single family group. A Hearth requires at least one parent to lead it, but both parents are preferable if there are two available. When a Hearth grows to include at least 3 unrelated children, it must become a Circle and have two leaders as described below for legal and safety reasons. A Circle (below) may also contain several Hearths led by senior SpiralScouts, which are comparable to the patrols of traditional scouting. A CIRCLE is the basic unit, led by two "Circle Leaders" who are of opposite genders. They may or may not be related to each other. This is larger than a single-family group and is an "open group" charter to which others may belong and in which other parents are encouraged to actively participate. A Circle can be part of a larger area group or Clan. This group can be thought of a s a "troop" within an "area council" of traditional scouting. A CLAN is a larger council group within a regional geographic area such as a neighborhood in a large city, a smaller town, etc. and is made up of two or more "Circles." It shall be the local area governing unit, and shall be guided by a Council made up of active leaders of circles and representatives of any sponsoring organization such as a church, a local area Pagan council, or other sponsoring organization. A TRIBE is the larger area governing organization, made up of localized "Clans" and shall be responsible for the administration of SpiralScouts programs within its area of authority, such as a foreign country, a state or province. The Tribal Council shall be formed from the member Circles and Hearths. There is a single, overarching governing council to oversee and coordinate the activities of the entire program. This, for the foreseeable future, is the founding church, the ATC, an interfaith church of Wicca and Earth Religion in which all positive paths are accepted. This is "SpiralScouts International." Age Groups: They have identified three different levels of child development, and are designing sections around each of them. Of course, these programs are for girls and boys learning together. FireFliesTM is intended for preschoolers through age 8 or 9. This is the time for stories and dancing, of learning the core meanings behind the basic symbols and of learning how to get along with others in a friendly and spiritual manner appealing to both the children and our traditions. This is not a daycare during adult ritual time, but a special time for the kids themselves. SpiralScoutsTM, besides being the overall name for the program, is specifically designed for the older children ages 8 through 14, getting them involved in hiking, camping, handicrafts, plays and productions to teach them the mythology and what it really means in our world. PathFindersTM (an independent study program) for the older teens, is where our young students begin to learn how to apply their knowledge and skills in practical life applications. Interpersonal & relationship skills and communications are among the subjects studied.